This movie follows the adventures of M.K., a magically shrunken teenager who meets the miniature "Leafmen." They protect the forest from the ever encroaching rot made by the Boggans, with a plethora of side characters. The plot is a pretty standard human-meets-magical-race-and-helps-them-save-the-world story, but I felt it was anything but ordinary.
I was immediately hooked by the amazing action sequences (SO MANY good ones), the detailed animation, the warmth to the story, and the well written characters. They were the best part really- the side characters.
My favorite was the queen- a likable, strong character, who had a heartbreaking side story.
I love it when the side characters have great stories. |
Look how not-disgusting these guys are! |
It was an exciting roller coaster ride through a tiny, beautiful world. You should see it, and I think your kids (not too young, there are some scary characters) will LOVE it. I know I did.
I do have one complaint, though.
With a character like M.K., there was such potential to focus on a strong, female teenager, reconnecting with her estranged father through an epic journey, while learning to see the world in a different way. Kind of looked a bit cross-eyed sometimes, but otherwise a pretty cool gal. |
Unfortunately, quite a bit of that slice of attention-pie involved this guy, a very predictable rebel-without-a-cause type.
He just kept holding onto the spotlight. |
Josh Hutcherson's vocal talents in a cartoon fall slightly flat, but that wasn't the part that really disappointed me.
Why can't a movie production company realize that an exciting story can revolve around a young heroine without there needing to be a romantic sub-plot?
Besides Pixar, of course. |
Nob, the young, restless teenage boy, who just doesn't seem to fit in and must break free from the confining grip of his psuedo-father/commanding officer, is a character we've ALL seen before.
At least Epic didn't fall into the cliche of having the love of a woman change a rouge into a prince. Darn you, Stockholm Syndrome! I'll never watch this movie the same way again. |
Anyhoo, in general, Nob isn't too annoying, and he sets Ronin, the commanding officer of the Leafmen, up for some great one-liners.
Nob did have some (and by some, I mean A LOT) of thrilling, spectacular, and just plain awesome action sequences. So, I will tolerate his presence in the film, though I think M.K.'s character would have been just fine without him.
All that said, this is a minor complaint, one brought on by my little sister who notices these things. The film rocks, like watch-it-twice-in-a-row rocks.
Well done, Epic. Nob, your purpose is to make me look awesome. |
All that said, this is a minor complaint, one brought on by my little sister who notices these things. The film rocks, like watch-it-twice-in-a-row rocks.
Well done, Epic.
PS- Thanks Corey, for making me see the light on this one.